I am writing tonight with a heavy heart. There has been so much sickness and death surrounding people that I know. Parents discovering their child has a brain tumor and another family losing their child tragically and unexpectedly. It has made me really reevaluate my life and faith. It has made me cling closer to my girls. It has made me cling closer to my God. I wish I could say that I understood why horrible things happen. I wish I could not worry about the future and completely rely on His word. He has told me to do this. But my, oh my, it is so hard. All too often I think that I hold the map to my future; that I am in the driver's seat and everything should happen in the order in which it is planned by me! How can I rely on a map or a path for which I do not hold in my hands? How can I question what is in store for me when Christ is the ONLY one who knows? That is something that is weighing heavily right now on my heart. I want to give it all to Him.
I am so proud to be your mom!! You're an amazing daughter and mother!! I love you, Mom